Friday, August 31, 2012

Is this your first major election? May I share a little unbiased advice with you?

So someone asked me about this yesterday and I realized there may be quite a few other young people with the same question.

So if I may, I'd like to share a little advice with you.

The question was: With a major election coming, how do I know who to vote for?

So first thing you need to do is ignore everything you're hearing about candidates and sides right now and sit down and write out what issues are important to you. What means the most to you? What hits home the most when you hear about it?

Then, write out what you want in your leaders. What do you want in a President all the way down to your local officials? What skills, experience, and qualifications do you think they should have in order to do their best in that position? What kind of lifestyle or values do you believe they as a leader and possible role model should have?

After that, research. Research everybody and everything. Research your list of issues, find out who's saying what about them and how to deal with them. What's their plan in fixing things that are wrong? Find out everything you can then figure out who's vision matches up best with your own. Continue to do so until Election Day and then vote with confidence.

And remember:
  • Don't stick to just one source, there are two sides to everything and the truth is somewhere in the middle. Find it.
  • Stick to your list of issues/beliefs. But know that you'll never find the perfect candidate, just find the best that you can.
  • In politics, everybody lies in someway so don't be easily swayed by commercials and speeches, take what's said at face value and let their records back them up.
  • Be realistic. Things take a long time to pass through government so while their plan may sound amazing, is it something they can realistically make happen in their term?
  • Being prepared and informed will give you peace that you made the right decision and help keep away any later doubts.
I truly hope this helps you somehow.

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